Default Buttons in ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET has this thing where pressing Enter on a page will cause it to be submitted, but no submit action is taken, mostly because you can have multiple buttons on a page, and it isn’t sure which button it should consider clicked when you press enter.

The solution to this was the “__EVENTTYPE” field.  Click here for more info on __EVENTTYPE.

Thankfully ASP.NET 2.0 has introduced some new features to help remove this complexity.

Scott Gu blogs about the new form defaultButton property, as well as the new SetFocusOnError property of the validators here:


Solution to dasBlog "Remember My Login" Not Working

A while ago, maybe 3 months, my blog stopped remembering my login.  When I login I can click to have it remember my login, and thus when I return to the site I don’t have to login every time.

Well I finally arrived at the problem. 

In IIS settings for the website, under the ASP.NET tab, if you click the “Edit Configuration” button, and then the authentication tab, you have the option to set the expiration length for the cookie, which was set to 1 hour.

I changed it to a larger value, restarted the IIS processes, and it appears to be working great now!

VS.Net Macro to Narrow VB.Net Method Signatures and Function Calls

Lately I have been doing some refactoring of code as I go through it.

Trying to name variables correctly, breaking up long methods, trying to adhere to some coding standards.

One way that I have been employing to clean up code is to convert very long method signatures, or calls to methods with many parameters from LONG single line entities to shorter multi-line blocks.

This is simple, but tedious.  So I wrote a VS.Net macro to do it for me.

Simply copy and paste the macro code (paste into wordpad first to get rid of the missing newline problem) at the bottom of this article into a macro.  Then all you have to do is highlight the entire row you want to “narrow”, and run the macro.  You can always Cntl+z out of it if you want to undo the changes.

The results are good!  The following are examples of a long method signature, and a call to a method with a lot of arguments, and then the refactored results.

'*** Long method signature
Public Function ActivitySave(ByVal Activity As MyNamespace.Business.Equipment.Activity, ByVal StartTime As DateTime, ByVal EndTime As DateTime, ByVal StatusOverride As System.Nullable(Of MyNamespace.Business.Data.Criteria.Equipment.ActivityStatusEnum), ByVal Clerk As Integer) As Integer

'*** long method call
ActivityID = MainActivity.ActivitySave(Activity.ActivityID, Activity.Status, Activity.PurposeNotes, Activity.JobIndex, Activity.CategoryID, Activity.RequestedStartDate, Activity.RequestedEndDate, Activity.EquipmentID, Activity.PlanStartDate, Activity.PlanEndDate, Activity.ActualStartDate, Activity.ActualEndDate, Activity.DiscountScheduleID, Activity.DiscountOffset, Activity.CodeID, Activity.RentalRate, Activity.RowVersion, Clerk)

Here is the result of the refactoring:

'*** Refactored long method signature
Public Function ActivitySave(ByVal Activity As MyNamespace.Business.Equipment.Activity, _
ByVal StartTime As DateTime, _
ByVal EndTime As DateTime, _
ByVal StatusOverride As System.Nullable(Of MyNamespace.Business.Data.Criteria.Equipment.ActivityStatusEnum), _
ByVal Clerk As Integer) As Integer

'*** Refactored long call
ActivityID = MainActivity.ActivitySave(Activity.ActivityID, _
Activity.Status, _
Activity.PurposeNotes, _
Activity.JobIndex, _
Activity.CategoryID, _
Activity.RequestedStartDate, _
Activity.RequestedEndDate, _
Activity.EquipmentID, _
Activity.PlanStartDate, _
Activity.PlanEndDate, _
Activity.ActualStartDate, _
Activity.ActualEndDate, _
Activity.DiscountScheduleID, _
Activity.DiscountOffset, _
Activity.CodeID, _
Activity.RentalRate, _
Activity.RowVersion, _


Here is the macro.

 Public Sub NarrowMethodsAndCalls()
'Create an Undo context object so all the changes can be
'undone by CTRL+Z
Dim oUnDo As UndoContext = DTE.UndoContext

'Supress the User Interface. This will make it run faster
'and make all the changes appear once
DTE.SuppressUI = True

Dim oTextSelection As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveWindow.Selection
Dim sOrigText As String = oTextSelection.Text

Dim RegExp As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("([ .=_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(")
Dim Match As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match = RegExp.Match(sOrigText)
If Match.Success Then
Dim sMethod As String = Match.ToString
Dim sParametersAndReturn() As String = sOrigText.Replace(sMethod, "").Split(",")
Dim sFirstLineWhiteSpace As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
sb.Append(" ", Trim(sMethod).Length)
sFirstLineWhiteSpace = sb.ToString

'*** redo the first line
oTextSelection.Text = sMethod & sParametersAndReturn(0) & ", _"
oTextSelection.Text = sFirstLineWhiteSpace

For i As Integer = 1 To sParametersAndReturn.Length - 2
oTextSelection.Text = Trim(sParametersAndReturn(i)) & ", _"
oTextSelection.Text = Trim(sParametersAndReturn(sParametersAndReturn.Length - 1))

MsgBox("failed to find function regexp match")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error: " & ex.ToString)

'If an error occured, then need to make sure that the undo context is cleaned up.
'Otherwise, the editor can be left in a perpetual undo context
If oUnDo.IsOpen Then
End If

DTE.SuppressUI = False
End Try

End Sub

SmartNavigation with Metabuilders Combobox

I ran into a little problem trying to integrate Metabuilders combobox into an web app I am creating.

The problem was that the onload event handler was not properly firing when smartNav was turned on.

The “InitScript” was as follows:

if ( typeof( window.addEventListener ) != "undefined" ) {
    window.addEventListener("load", ComboBox_Init, false);
    alert('case 1');
} else if ( typeof( window.attachEvent ) != "undefined" ) {
    window.attachEvent("onload", ComboBox_Init);
} else {


Well when you are using smartNav, the window.onload event is only fired the first time you reach the page.  So I used this bit of C# in the control to get it to work.

String initScript = resources.GetString("InitScript");
if (this.Page.SmartNavigation)
this.Page.RegisterStartupScript("MetaBuilders.WebControls.ComboBox Init with Smartnav", "<script>ComboBox_Init();</script>");
this.Page.RegisterStartupScript("MetaBuilders.WebControls.ComboBox Init", initScript);


Checking for JavaScript Variable Definitions

In some cases you need to be able to check if a variable has been defined, and if it has a value.

I recently had a problem where I needed a function to check if a variable had been defined, and if not, to return a default value “1”.

The following code will check if the variable is defined, and if it is, it will also check and make sure that it isn’t null, before returning the value.


function GetDefaultModuleId(){
    if (typeof(csDefaultModule) == "undefined"){                            
        return "1";
        if (csDefaultModule == null){
            return "1";
            return csDefaultModule;


Extending the Atlast AutoComplete Extender

I have been looking at the new “Atlas” controls, which MS has brilliantly (sarcasm) decided to rename “ASP.NET AJAX”.

The one control I have been most interested in is the autocomplete extender.

I want to use something like this, not to help populate a textox, but instead to allow the user to type a few characters in to narrow down the list of options, rather than showing them a dropdown of 10,000 items.

In otherwords, when they are done with the control, I don’t want the text in the textbox, I want the database ID value behind it, and i also don’t want to let them type in just anything they want, but rather limit their options to what is in the autocomplete options.

I found another blog post where someone is extending the autocomplete behavior: