HP MediaSmart Certificate Issues

I am in the process of testing out a Windows Home Server (WHS) for possible use in backing up multiple machines.

Today I ran into a problem.  I noticed that when logging in remotely (using mydomain.homeserver.com) it was sending me to an http page and not an https page.

Asking me for my username/password that will allow anyone to access my machine over https is not acceptable.  I tried manually changing the url to https, but I got a certificate error.

I took a look at the certificate error and it appeared the certificate was for the URL https://MYDOMAIN  which is the name of the server, but not the full domain name.

I am not fully sure which change I made fixed the problem, but I went into Settings-> Remote Access and changed the “Web Site Home Page” from the HP page to the “Windows Home Server Home Page” because my friend had it setup this way and he had a button that took him to an HTTPS page to login, but I don’t think that solved the problem.  I then clicked on “Change” on the “Domain Name” section and just re-confirmed all the same settings.  At this point I think it grabs a new certificate from homeserver.com and it made it start working.

Now if I could only figure out why my one laptop is not backing up….


Extending Microsoft Data Access Blocks (early version)

Microsoft has released several versions of their Data Access Blocks, but they started mixing all their blocks together at some point, so if you wanted to use the DAB, you had to also use the Configuration blocks, and you had to use the Encryption blocks, and those needed the logging blocks etc.

So in many of my projects I have kept with one of the earlier versions.

But, there was a problem.  Basically in order to pass parameters, the easiest way to do it was in an ordinal position way, such as:

Public Shared Sub Whatever(SomeParamsHere)
    Dim storedParams() As SqlParameter
    storedParams = SqlHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(ConnectionString, "Whatever")

    storedParams(0).Value = 1
    storedParams(1).Value = 2
    storedParams(2).Value = 3
    storedParams(3).Value = "abc"

   SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ConnectionString, _
        CommandType.StoredProcedure, _
        "ItProjectInfo_General_Update", _

End Sub

Obviously, this code is hard to read because we don’t know which parameters are getting which values w/o opening up the stored procedure and looking ourselves.

So I wrote some extra code to allow of working with SqlParameters in the form of Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter).  Calling the same function would look like this:

Public Shared Sub Whatever(ByVal SomeParamsHere)
    Dim storedParams() As New Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)
    storedParams = SqlHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterCollection(ConnectionString, "Whatever")

    storedParams.Item("@id").Value = 1
    storedParams.Item("@num").Value = 2
    storedParams.Item("@cat").Value = 3
    storedParams.Item("@name").Value = "abc"

    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ConnectionString, _
         CommandType.StoredProcedure, _
         "ItProjectInfo_General_Update", _

End Sub

This works for output parameters as well.

In order to make this work you need to edit the SqlHelper.vb code.

Inside the SqlHelperParameterCache class you need to add:

Public Overloads Shared Function GetSpParameterCollection(ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal spName As String) As System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)
    Dim parameters() As SqlParameter = GetSpParameterSet(connectionString, spName, False)
    Dim paramsCol As System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)
    paramsCol = SqlHelper.ParamArrayToDict(parameters)
    Return paramsCol
End Function

And inside SqlHelper class you need to add the following methods:

#Region " Dictionary Support Helpers "
Friend Shared Function ParamArrayToDict(ByVal params() As SqlParameter) As Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)
    Dim dict As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
    For i As Integer = 0 To params.Length - 1
        dict.Add(params(i).ParameterName, params(i))
    Return dict
End Function

Friend Shared Function ParamDictToArray(ByVal dict As Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)) As SqlParameter()
    Dim params(dict.Count - 1) As SqlParameter
    Dim i As Integer
    For Each p As SqlParameter In dict.Values
        params(i) = p
        i += 1
    Return params
End Function
#End Region

Public Overloads Shared Function ExecuteDataset(ByVal connectionString As String, _
                                           ByVal commandType As CommandType, _
                                           ByVal commandText As String, _
                                           ByVal commandParameters As Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)) As DataSet ' Execute Dataset with generic dictionary support

    Dim parametersArray() As SqlParameter
    parametersArray = ParamDictToArray(commandParameters)
    Return ExecuteDataset(connectionString, commandType, commandText, parametersArray)
End Function

Public Overloads Shared Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal connectionString As String, _
                                              ByVal commandType As CommandType, _
                                              ByVal commandText As String, _
                                              ByVal commandParameters As Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)) As Integer
    Dim parametersArray() As SqlParameter
    parametersArray = ParamDictToArray(commandParameters)
    Return ExecuteNonQuery(connectionString, commandType, commandText, parametersArray)
End Function  ' ExecuteNonQuery with generic dictionary support

Public Overloads Shared Function ExecuteScalar(ByVal connectionString As String, _
                                              ByVal commandType As CommandType, _
                                              ByVal commandText As String, _
                                              ByVal commandParameters As Dictionary(Of String, SqlParameter)) As Object

    Dim parametersArray() As SqlParameter
    parametersArray = ParamDictToArray(commandParameters)
    Return ExecuteScalar(connectionString, commandType, commandText, parametersArray)

End Function ' ExecuteScalar with generic dictionary support



Using nant to build projects from the command line

NAnt is a tool that can help you build your .net applications. 

You can get really detailed with it, but what if you just want to set it up to quickly build projects/solutions or run automated builds.  This is especially useful if you are rebuilding 1 project that you are in the process of testing so you don’t have to wait for VS to figure out if any of the referenced projects need to be rebuilt.

Well, with a few quick steps you can have this.

After downloading NAnt you need to create a little batch file somewhere in your PATH (for example, c:windows).  Name the file nant.bat and put this in it:

@echo off
"C:appsnantnant-0.86-beta1binNAnt.exe" %*

You will obviously want to replace my path with your own path to your nant exe that you downloaded.

Then add an entry to your PATH system variable to the directory that contains devenv.com.  For me this path is:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7ide

Then you just need to add a .build file to your project.  I name it the same as my project name but you can do whatever you want.

This build file should contain the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="ProjName" default="build" basedir=".">
  <target name="build">
    <exec failonerror="true" program="devenv.com" commandline="ProjName.vbproj /build Debug" />

Rename ProjName as needed in this file as well.

Then all you need to do is navigate to the folder that contains the .build file from a command line and run:


It will scan for the build file, and use devenv.com to build it.

You can also use this to build solutions, just change the .vbproj file to a .sln file.