
When I first got Windows 8 I had tried using some start menu 3rd party software, ClassicShell.  I didn’t like it very much, so I decided to just live with Launchy + Start page.

For no good reason today I decided to try Start8.  It is amazing!

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Problems serving .svc in IIS 8 on Windows 8

I recently had some problems running telerik Sitefinity on my dev machine.  When I clicked on the Pages menu, it would give me a popup telling me that IIS 8.0 returned a 404.

All the help online talked about reregistering the WCF stuff using Servicemodelreg.exe, but doing that seemed to screw stuff up even more.  Others also talked about using aspnet_regiis, but that doesn’t work in Windows 8.

Finally, I found this post that dealt with the exact issue.  Adding the WCF Services under Turn Windows features on or off worked perfectly.

Thanks to