SQL Server encountered error 0x80070422 (FIXED)

Today we started getting this error when trying to do full text search with SQL Server 2008.

Msg 30046, Level 16, State 1, Procedure CodeMaster_GetCostCodesByCriteria_FullText, Line 47

SQL Server encountered error 0x80070422 while communicating with full-text filter daemon host (FDHost) process. Make sure that the FDHost process is running. To re-start the FDHost process, run the sp_fulltext_service ‘restart_all_fdhosts’ command or restart the SQL Server instance.

Google has NOTHING on this problem, except 1 other guy reporting it to MS, who tells him to go to some other forum.


If I find anything I will post it.


Ok I figured this out.

The problem was that the actual FTS service was disabled (but not just that, so read on).

So go into your services and make sure that this one is running:

SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher (MSSQLSERVER)

But even after I set this up running things weren’t working.  More research led me to find out that there was an issue with the fact that we run our SQL Server under a domain account and the full text search was not running as that same user.

So I configured this service to run as the same user and restarted the service.

Then in SQL Server I ran this:

EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'restart_all_fdhosts'

to restart things.

I also right clicked on the FTS catalog (under databasename/Storage/Full Text Catalog), picked properties, and then selected the option to rebuild catalog.


Regenerating the designer.vb and designer.cs files

Chances are you have had this happen to you.

You start getting compile errors on your asp.net controls in your code behind pages.  But the controls exist on the page??  Whats the deal?

Well, in VS2003 the designer would create the class level controls in your code behind.  It would created a special region where it would put all it’s autogenerated code.

2005 brought the new “Web Site Project” which used a “CodeFile” instead of “CodeBehind” attribute on the page tag.  In addition, the codefile/codebehind became a Partial Class.  VS would then put all the generated code in a seperate file so it didn’t cramp up your code behind.

In Web Application projects, the autogen code is stored in .designer.vb files:

But everynow and then, things get out of sync, or the designer files get totally lost.

Here is how you can regenerate them:

First, make sure your class names, and page attributes are right.  The Page tag should have a Codebeind attribute pointing to the aspx.vb file and an Inherits attribute that contains the fully qualified class name in the codebehind.  (This instructions are for Web App Projects, not Web Site Projects, which use Codefile instead of Codebehind).

Second, create a designer file if one doesn’t exist.  Click the “Show all files” icon in the Solution Explorer to see if you have designer files.  If not, add a class file with the right name page_name.aspx.designer.vb.  VS will automatically put it “under” the aspx page.

Make sure all namespaces are right.  Check your code beind, your designer file, and your page codebehind attribute.

Open your page in a designer and rename one of your controls.  Save everything and close the code and designer windows.  Open the designer back up and rename the control back.  Now look at your designer file, it should have a punch of controls in it, and now VS shouldn’t complain about compile errors in your code behind.


Copy and Paste not working in RDP?

You may notice that your clipboard will sometimes work over RDP(TS) sessions, but sometimes not.

Normally the problem is that the server has clipboard access disabled.

Just follow these instructions to enable it

1. Log into the TS (on an account that has administrator rights)
2. Run the Terminal Services Configuration program
3. Select the Connections folder (under Terminal Services Configuration on the left window pane)
4. Right-click on the RDP-tcp connection (in the right window pane) and select Properties.
5. Click the Client Setting tab
6. Un-tick the Clipboard Mapping option under the Disable the following: heading.


Supporting People with D-Link Routers

D-Link has a nice feature on their website that really helps people like me when I am trying to support a client who users one of these devices.

Normally when I am supporting someone I login remotely so I can view their screen and make the changes for them right there on their computer.  But if their router is down, they usually can’t get internet access to allow for this to happen.

So, it can be pretty difficult to talk to someone on the phone with stuff like “Ok, do you see anywhere on the screen where it talks about setting up PPPoE information?  Maybe something regarding WAN connectivity?” 

But, if you get their D-Link model number, you can go to the device page on DLinks website and launch an emulator of their web interface.

For example: http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=530
Click on “Emulator” on the right hand side.

This allows you to see the exact same screen they are looking at.  It also allows you to click around to find the right page w/o asking them to click every link and read you ever bit of info. 

It’s a great tool, and it probably saved me an hour of time with one of my clients today.

Showing Deleted Folders In TFS

Sometimes you might try to rename a folder in TFS Team Explorer and it tells you that you can’t rename the folder b/c an existing item exists (but it doesn’t).

The reason is that if there is a delete folder with the same name, it won’t allow you to name a current folder with the same name.

To see your deleted folders (so you can undelete, rename, and delete again) you can use the following option under Tools->Options.